Sunday, September 8, 2013

First BB Points Purchase

Hi there Calendar Girls!

I was fortunate enough to have saved up 300 BirchBox points in the last couple of months and I wasted no time in putting them to good use! I was really impressed with the Coastal Scents sample I received in my last BirchBox and since I didn't own any large palettes yet, I jumped at the chance to purchase the 88 shade Mirage Palette! It's $39 in the BB Shop, but I received a discount code for 20% off. So with my 300 points, discount, and free shipping, I paid a grand total of $1.20! You read that right! One whole dollar and twenty cents for an 88 shade palette! Did I mention how much I love the BirchBox points system?! Amazing!

Ahh...just typing that up, I'm reliving the savings high! Lol. Sorry if I went a bit ramble-y there. ;)

I chose the free shipping option which meant my little treat would arrive in 5-7 business days, but when I read the shipping confirmation email, I saw that I was given 2-day express shipping! Yessss! Even better! Here's what I got two short days after my order was placed:

Huge, right? Because there were a ton of plastic, air-filled bags surrounding it! Yay for no breakage!

I was so happy to open the box and unwrap this beauty..

Awesomely enough, it also came with three of the softest brushes I've ever touched in my life!

From left to right, there's a Domed Shadow Brush, Large Shadow Brush, and a Doefoot Blender Brush. They are all amazing and I've been using them quite a bit. :)

Now onto what you really want to see...the eye shadows!

The lighting isn't great for showing you the exact colors, but you can see a close-up of the shadows on the BirchBox site, which is where I snagged this next picture from!

The only complaint I have about this palette is that the colors don't have names! And if they do, they aren't listed anywhere that I've been able to find. :( I've already created a few new eye looks with this palette and I wanted to have some way of telling you which shadows I used, so I made a little cheat sheet for you. Every time I use the Mirage shadows for an Eyes of the Day post, I will list which numbers I used and try my best to either link back to this post or repost the key for you! I've been having so much fun with all of these colors and I can't wait for you to see!

Which colors do you like to use on your eyes? Do you play it safe with neutrals or mix it up with bright colors? Let me know in the comments, on Facebook, or @Manda_CGC on Twitter! Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

Chiemi said...

I want a birchbox subscription!!!